GoFree Bhop


Completions: 98 (normal style)
Map tier: 1
Linear Map
Bonus: 0
Rank Player Name Best Time Start Speed End Speed
61I`m Also A Virgin 01:05.7656271 u/s485 u/s
62starboylund on spotify 01:08.7969250 u/s453 u/s
63Skeldom 01:08.9609250 u/s832 u/s
64Warpriest 01:11.1016252 u/s781 u/s
65Simply Brandon 01:11.2500284 u/s608 u/s
66citizen of noobistan 01:15.9219265 u/s589 u/s
67Dert 01:18.7656220 u/s808 u/s
68A!sh 01:19.5859262 u/s722 u/s
69iBag 01:20.8906250 u/s734 u/s
70Photon 01:23.7656271 u/s559 u/s
71Cauron 01:24.3672269 u/s611 u/s
72twig 01:28.2578250 u/s670 u/s
73dark mider 01:32.5391178 u/s592 u/s
74Ikufg 01:35.7891248 u/s679 u/s
75Mydrix 01:40.5391250 u/s250 u/s
76Cyarth #SIPORECHAZO 01:44.8438267 u/s620 u/s
77Millie 01:50.437592 u/s585 u/s
78Melissa Aaron 01:58.8281251 u/s593 u/s
79Zandoh16 02:03.6484250 u/s604 u/s
80hello pig 02:05.2109250 u/s606 u/s
81Intrusion 02:09.3594253 u/s667 u/s
82landonb256 02:21.0078318 u/s579 u/s
83Beef Patty 02:25.2188255 u/s842 u/s
84lizard with hat 02:27.4922250 u/s659 u/s
852001 honda civic 02:32.9297250 u/s711 u/s
86Kee 02:52.8906250 u/s546 u/s
87Jompt 02:57.1953336 u/s693 u/s
88UR_Niko 02:58.1172250 u/s540 u/s
89BanterUwU 03:22.8594290 u/s562 u/s
90Chief 03:43.8594341 u/s633 u/s